Time Log:
April 1 Sunday: 4 hours
April 2 Monday: 5 hours
April 3 Tuesday: 5 hours
April 4 Wednesday: 5 hours
April 5 Thursday: 5 hours
April 6 Friday: 5 hours
April 7 Saturday: 3 hours
April 8 Sunday: 3 hours
(I basically did my IC2 over spring break)
I, David Roeder, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work."
I read through the entire Junior history book "American Odyssey: The United States in the 20th Century: and created a lesson plan for Chapter 1 and half of Chapter 2. (It takes a whole lot longer than I anticipated to create a lesson plan.)
As a future teacher I have to have a knowledge on how to create a lesson plan. It is WAY harder then i assumed. I used this format:
Method of teaching:
I included method of teaching because it supports my best answer "Mixing up the Curriculum." It demonstrates that different units and topics do better with different teaching methods.
Creating a lesson plan and basically but my best answer to the test. I found (on paper) it seems to work. By using the best method plan to fit the unit. By doing this you can insure that students grasp the course material. If they know the material they are more likely to do better on the standardized test.
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